It’s not a secret that the climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges of humanity. We hear about it in the news, experience it through extreme heat waves, and witness it when devastating storms, floods, or droughts strike. But now the data is ringing an even louder alarm: concentrations of greenhouse gases — such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) — have hit record-breaking levels in our atmosphere.
However, in recent reports from global groups such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations, we see the deeply troubling experience that, despite decades of warning and increasing awareness, global emissions just keep rising. These are not just abstract numbers — they are indicators that we are approaching tipping points that will irrevocably change life on this planet.
Well, what is the precondition to this anti-trend? Surely, one of the major drivers is fossil fuels. Therefore, we need to take a closer look at how they supercharge the greenhouse effect and what we, as humanity, can do to change the course of events before it’s too late.
It’s always a little surreal to see raw climate data. We know the problem exists, yet each new report seems to bring another unwelcome confirmation. According to the World Meteorological Organization’s 2023 Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have risen to 417.2 parts per million (ppm). To put this in perspective, before the industrial era, that number was closer to 280 ppm. Methane—the second most significant greenhouse gas—is also climbing rapidly, reaching 1952 parts per billion (ppb). Methane's rise is particularly alarming because it traps 25 times more heat in the short term than CO2.
In a statement accompanying the report, WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas didn’t mince words: “The continuing rise in these gases is not compatible with a secure and stable future for humanity.” It’s a stark reminder of how deeply fossil fuels and modern human activity are entwined with this crisis.
Every time you hear about rising greenhouse gases, fossil fuels are almost always cited as the leading culprit — and for good reason. Fossil fuels, in particular those from coal, oil, and natural gas, are the bedrock of global energy generation. They’re incinerated to fuel cars, warm houses and produce electricity, and in that process, they emit billions of tons of carbon dioxide and other noxious gases into the air each year.
But it doesn’t stop there. During the extraction and transportation of oil and natural gas, a significant amount of methane leaks into the atmosphere. Methane is often called the “other” greenhouse gas, but that doesn’t make it any less important. In fact, over 20 years, methane is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide when it comes to warming the planet.
Now, you might be wondering: isn’t the greenhouse effect natural? Isn’t it supposed to keep the planet warm? The answer is yes—up to a point. The problem arises when we pump far more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the planet can handle. Think of it as adding layers to a blanket on a warm night. At first, one blanket keeps you cozy. But add two or three more, and suddenly you’re sweating—and there’s no way to cool down. That’s basically what we’re doing to the Earth.
The new findings from the WMO’s Global Greenhouse Gas Watch initiative show that 2023 saw the highest-ever recorded global CO2 emissions, even as some countries made progress toward renewable energy. Methane levels, too, have seen one of the steepest rises in the last decade.
What is alarming is that these rises are not only happening in highly industrialized nations; they are taking place almost everywhere, even in nations moving towards greener energy economies.
This brings us to the question: why isn't our action gaining more traction? Experts point to gaps between climate pledges and tangible follow-through. Governments and corporations talk of curbing emissions, but the vows get mired in the politics and profit margins. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres recently said, "The time for talking is over. The time for action is long overdue."
It’s tempting to think a small increase in global temperature isn’t a big deal. After all, how bad can 1 or 2 degrees be? The answer is: pretty catastrophic. Every fraction of a degree matters. Here’s why:
It's also worth noting that the least guilty parties for emissions globally—i.e., developing countries—are the ones most adversely affected by them. This is not just a climate issue; it's an issue of fairness.
It is overwhelming, but we have the tools and the know-how to face the climate crisis. What is missing is urgency. Here are some of the most important ways we can make a difference:
The single most important measure is a transition to renewable energy technologies like solar, wind, and hydropower. Look, for instance, at They are getting more affordable, and countries already utilizing them are witnessing emission declines.
Reducing methane pollution is one of the fastest ways to cut warming. By capping oil and gas industry leaks and improving farming practices, we can make a massive dent.
Governments need stronger climate policy—and enforcement that holds. International frameworks like the Paris Accord are needed, but they must be backed by real accountability, not words.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies have the potential to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, yet they are not a substitute for cutting emissions at their source.
On an individual basis, actions like driving less, reducing food waste, and eating more plant-based can help reduce your own carbon footprint. While no individual action alone can solve the issue, they do provide a signal to policymakers and companies of what matters most to consumers.
The latest data from the WMO and UN makes one thing painfully clear: we’re running out of time to act. The solutions exist, and so does the science. What we need now is for nations, industries, and individuals to work together to stop the runaway rise of greenhouse gases. Each choice we make today matters, and each degree of warming that we avoid will save lives and ecosystems.
Future generations will judge what we are doing at this time of crisis. Let's make sure we can stand before them and say we were fighting for a better, more sustainable world.