Light industry


Sustainability - a vital breakthrough for the world of fashion

With a global rate of over 2.5 trillion dollars and over 80 million people employed within it, the fashion industry is a significant element of the global economy. Over the last few decades, the industry has grown at a breakneck pace. Today, it is having a devasting ...
25 february 2021   details  

Improving the energy efficiency of the lighting system

The main measures to improve the energy efficiency of lighting are as follows: Replacement of light sources with new energy-efficient lamps while ensuring the established lighting standards; Maximum use of natural light during the day and automatic control of artific...
10 august 2020   details  

LED lamps - features and applications

Recently, the popularity of LED lamps has increased significantly, because they can save a lot of energy. Therefore, LEDs are used in many areas - in street lamps, in offices, hotels, catering establishments. Ceiling lights illuminate most concert and theater halls, ...
03 august 2020   details  

Evaporative coolers

The evaporative cooler is the modern equipment which purpose consists in creation in the room of comfortable air - cooled, cleared and humidified. Air cooling is due to the evaporation of water, without the use of chemicals, including refrigerants. Unlike air conditi...
03 august 2020   details  
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