Alternative energy


California Is Taking a Lead in Offshore Winds

California broke a record in May 2022 on a beautiful, calm day with no interference. The state, using only the power of renewable energy, briefly exceeded its enormous consumer electricity needs. Despite the enormous progress the state has made investing in renewable...
28 august 2022   details  

Brazil: Way to Become One of the Sustainable Leaders

For Brazilians, renewable energy is nothing new. Most of the electricity utilized in the nation is produced by water. Additionally, sugarcane alcohol fuels more than half of the nation's automobile fleet. However, wind and solar energy are a recent addition to Brazil...
22 august 2022   details  

Manufacturers of the New Reality: Trina Solar and Canadian Solar Overview

The need and rising demand for sustainable energy have been acknowledged by a lot of energy corporations. The following energy firms have begun effectively guiding society toward energy independence by converting to greener technologies in solar, wind, biofuel, geoth...
02 july 2022   details  

Bifacial solar panels

When it comes to solar panel installation, the objective is to always create a system that produces as much solar energy as feasible. Solar panel technology has advanced significantly. Bifacial solar panels are one innovative technology that is very fascinating. Alth...
24 june 2022   details  

Eco Solutions for Europe

Recently one of the biggest informational platforms Bloomberg has released its article called “Yesterday’s Energy Solutions Are Tomorrow’s Energy Problems”. This is an overview of renewable energy sources that could save the world from rising energy bills after such ...
11 april 2022   details  

Energy Sector Review: Australia

Australia's economic development and prosperity are highly dependable on a stable supply of clean, safe energy. Australia is well endowed with energy mineral resources. The main consumed resource is coal, while the share of renewable energy today accounts for a bit m...
09 august 2021   details  

Harvesting solar energy in urban spaces

In some countries, solar panel roof coverings are becoming increasingly popular. The idea is simple - using unnecessary space to house solar panels for generating electric power. Public projects of this kind make it possible to use solar energy and popularize it amon...
03 november 2020   details  


*/     V. Budko, candidate of technical science, assistant professor, S. Kudria, corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine, doctor of technical science, professor, S. Voitkо, doctor of economic sciences, professor, O. Тrofymenko1, candidate of economic sciences, as...
29 oсtober 2020   details  

Tesla model 3

Tesla Model 3 has an increased battery. This modern car is expensive, but there is something to pay for it. The premium electric car has a range of up to 500 km without visiting the charging point. Acceleration to a hundred occurs in just 5.1 seconds. The manufacture...
03 august 2020   details  

Wind turbines as an efficient way to generate electricity

Today, wind turbines account for an increasing share of total electricity production. Renewable wind turbines are forming a new sector of the economy that is developing rapidly, and turbines of this type are being installed in various countries around the world. Amon...
03 august 2020   details  
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