What is a water cooler

A cooler is a household appliance whose purpose is to pour water. Its main advantage is the complete preservation of the useful composition of the liquid. Today, the device is increasingly found in both offices and homes, along with an air cooler and coffee maker. In addition, the device can be seen in a school classroom, library, gym and even at an enterprise with underground coal gasification.

The name of the device is due to the fact that initially its function was to cool bottled drinking water. However, technical progress does not stand still, and the modern cooler "knows how" to heat, aerate, ozonate and filter the liquid.

Manufacturing industry

Why did the device gain rapid popularity? The fact is that the water cooler has many advantages, including:

  • independent switching on and off of water heating that allows to save the electric power in the summer;
  • The cooler never boils water. The maximum heating of the liquid does not exceed 95-98 degrees Celsius, so that its structure is not destroyed;
  • Water cooler is very simple and easy to use. All devices are equipped with convenient taps or buttons for liquid supply, so you can easily collect hot or cold water in a mug without the risk of scalding with boiling water;
  • The contents of the cooler always have the right temperature, which allows you to drink cold water or hot tea without waiting.

In addition, modern devices work in such a way that there is no need to use a unit for draining condensate. Devices for sale are available in a wide range of colors and with different designs. Some water coolers are equipped with an additional cabinet or refrigerator, which is very convenient for both office and home use.

Which cooler to choose

Thanks to a well-coordinated distribution network, we have the opportunity to buy quality goods at a reasonable price. In this regard, the question arises, which water cooler to choose, so as not to make a mistake in the choice? Modern devices are divided into several types, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages.

Water cooler

  1. Floor cooler. This is a classic option for installation on the floor. The device is characterized by large dimensions, increased durability, wear resistance and reliability. Water coolers are usually equipped with built-in ozonation chambers (used to disinfect utensils), or refrigeration chambers. In the case of highwater consumption, this option should be preferred because it is more productive and "capacious".
  2. Desktop cooler. The main advantage of the device is its small size and light weight. Also for the water dispenser is characterized by high productivity, which allows you to provide water to a team of up to 8-10 people without frequent changes of bottles. The water cooler is placed on a table or other similar surface.

When choosing a cooler should also take into account many nuances. If there are young children in the room where you plan to use the device, you should prefer a model with a "child protection" function. Water dispensers with a third tap can also be found on sale. It is also called a room temperature tap.

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