Environmental news


Innovations Towards Zero Emission Green Cars Future

In a significant move towards environmental sustainability, the Canadian government is set to unveil the Electric Vehicle Availability Standard, mandating that all new vehicles sold in the country must be zero-emission right by 2035. This initiative aims to revolutio...
10 january 2024   details  

Chilling Solutions: Navigating the Paradox of Air Conditioning for a Safe Future

Air Conditioning Best Practices   In an increasingly heat-stricken world, where scorching temperatures have been experienced in places like Thailand, India, Puerto Rico, and even the unexpected corners of Portland, Oregon, the reliance on air conditioning is on the ...
29 august 2023   details  

Indonesia: Future Green Leader’s Goals

A group of developed countries has unveiled a multibillion-dollar plan to assist Indonesia in accelerating its switch to renewable energy sources, which could result in a significant decrease in the number of gases that trap heat globally and position Indonesia as a ...
28 december 2022   details  

The Philippines. Green Opportunities and Future Plans

One of the eight nations having a nationally determined contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement that is compatible with keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius is the Philippines, one of the most climate change-vulnerable nations in the world. The governm...
05 december 2022   details  

Greece – Record-Breaking Country with Huge Prospects

Following the war in Ukraine, European countries are attempting to lessen their reliance on Moscow gas. Greece is in a better position than many other countries thanks to its milder temperature, shorter winters, and many projects that have already been established as...
18 oсtober 2022   details  

California Is Taking a Lead in Offshore Winds

California broke a record in May 2022 on a beautiful, calm day with no interference. The state, using only the power of renewable energy, briefly exceeded its enormous consumer electricity needs. Despite the enormous progress the state has made investing in renewable...
28 august 2022   details  

Brazil: Way to Become One of the Sustainable Leaders

For Brazilians, renewable energy is nothing new. Most of the electricity utilized in the nation is produced by water. Additionally, sugarcane alcohol fuels more than half of the nation's automobile fleet. However, wind and solar energy are a recent addition to Brazil...
22 august 2022   details  

Future Energy Trends: Bottlenecks and Predictions

The COVID-19 pandemic, global supply chain disruptions, several extreme weather occurrences, and a worldwide energy supply crisis typified by rising fuel and power costs continued to exert pressure on the world economy in 2021, although it began to recover. As 2022 g...
27 july 2022   details  

Eco Solutions for Europe

Recently one of the biggest informational platforms Bloomberg has released its article called “Yesterday’s Energy Solutions Are Tomorrow’s Energy Problems”. This is an overview of renewable energy sources that could save the world from rising energy bills after such ...
11 april 2022   details  

Solar Energy Supply in Europe

After a "great performance" for the renewable energy source in 2021, the solar power sector is enjoying a boom. Despite the pandemic's failures, more solar panels were attached to Europe's electrical systems than ever before, with a 34 percent increase over the previ...
22 february 2022   details  
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