Environmental news


Problems of waste recycling in Ukraine

Today, the most complicated threat to the environment is the problem with waste. Human activities generate trash, and how these pollutants are handled, collected, and disposed of can pose environmental and public health problems. Proper and safe solid waste managemen...
15 april 2021   details  

Energy sector review: Canada

The importance of energy in the lives of Canadians cannot be overstated. It keeps their houses warm in the winter, fuels the vehicles, and provides electricity for technological devices. Businesses and the government in Canada benefit from the energy sector because i...
02 march 2021   details  

Sustainability - a vital breakthrough for the world of fashion

With a global rate of over 2.5 trillion dollars and over 80 million people employed within it, the fashion industry is a significant element of the global economy. Over the last few decades, the industry has grown at a breakneck pace. Today, it is having a devasting ...
25 february 2021   details  

Air pollution challenges: new gadgets and clothing

  As a global campaign to fight air pollution gains traction, scientists are rising to the occasion, introducing goods and technologies that eliminate some of the harmful pollutants that damage our lungs and hastening climate change. According to the World Health Org...
17 january 2021   details  

Harvesting solar energy in urban spaces

In some countries, solar panel roof coverings are becoming increasingly popular. The idea is simple - using unnecessary space to house solar panels for generating electric power. Public projects of this kind make it possible to use solar energy and popularize it amon...
03 november 2020   details  
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